Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil

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Rs. 1517 Rs.1597
Available in:
100% Natural & Ayurvedic
ISO Certified Company

Product Benefits-

Ajwain (Carom Seeds):

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Ajwain is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects that could help reduce pain and discomfort in various body parts.

Muscle Relaxation: It might help relax muscles and ease muscle cramps or tension.

Pudina (Mint):

Cooling Sensation: Pudina has a cooling sensation that can provide relief from minor aches and pains.

Anti-Spasmodic: Mint is thought to have antispasmodic properties, which could help relax muscles and relieve spasms.


Topical Analgesic: Camphor is often used topically as a pain-relieving agent. It may provide a soothing sensation and alleviate mild pain.

Anti-Inflammatory: It might help reduce inflammation and associated discomfort.

Benefits of the "Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil" formulated with these ingredients could include:

Natural Ingredients: These ingredients are derived from natural sources, which might appeal to individuals looking for alternative remedies.

Localized Relief: When applied topically, the oil may provide targeted relief to specific areas of pain or discomfort.

Muscle Relaxation: The combined effects of ajwain and mint could contribute to muscle relaxation and alleviate muscle-related pain.

Cooling Effect: The presence of mint and camphor could offer a cooling sensation, which might be soothing for minor pains.

Anti-Inflammatory Action: If the formulation has anti-inflammatory properties, it could help with pain arising from inflammation.

Easy Application: Pain relief oils are usually easy to apply and massage into the affected area.

Aromatherapy Benefits: The aromatic properties of these ingredients might provide relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Non-Invasive: Using a pain relief oil externally is a non-invasive method that avoids oral medications.

Traditional Wisdom: Many of these ingredients have been used in traditional medicine systems for their potential health benefits.

Holistic Approach: Some individuals prefer holistic approaches to managing pain, and using natural ingredients aligns with this approach.


Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil:

Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil is a topical formulation designed to provide relief from external aches and discomfort. It is purportedly formulated with natural ingredients that have traditionally been associated with pain relief and soothing effects.

Key Ingredients:

Ajwain (Carom Seeds):

Ajwain is known for its potential anti-inflammatory properties.

It might help in providing relief from minor muscular discomfort.

The oil could potentially help soothe localized pain when applied externally.

Pudina (Mint):

Pudina is often valued for its cooling and calming properties.

The menthol content in mint can create a cooling sensation that might offer relief from mild pain or discomfort.

Mint is believed to have antispasmodic effects, potentially aiding in muscle relaxation.


Camphor is used in topical preparations for its analgesic properties.

It can provide a cooling sensation and might temporarily alleviate pain and discomfort when applied externally.

Camphor is also known for its potential anti-inflammatory effects.

Combined Benefits:

The combined effects of ajwain, pudina, and camphor in the Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil may offer several potential benefits, including:

Providing localized relief from minor muscular pain and discomfort.

Offering a cooling sensation that could soothe the affected area.

Aiding in muscle relaxation and potentially reducing muscle spasms.

Providing a natural alternative for individuals seeking external pain relief.


The usage instructions for Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil would typically involve applying a small amount of the oil to the affected area and gently massaging it into the skin. It's important to follow the product's specific usage guidelines provided on the packaging.

Direction to use:

Clean the Area: Before applying the oil, ensure that the area where you're experiencing pain is clean and dry.

Patch Test: If you're using the oil for the first time, consider doing a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies.

Apply a Small Amount: Dispense a small amount of the oil onto your fingertips.

Massage Gently: Gently massage the oil onto the affected area using circular motions. Apply a light to moderate pressure, depending on your comfort level.

Avoid Open Wounds: Do not apply the oil to open wounds, cuts, or broken skin.

Wash Hands: After applying the oil, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring the oil to your eyes or sensitive areas.

Avoid Sensitive Areas: Be cautious when applying near sensitive areas such as eyes, mouth, and genital areas. Keep the oil away from mucous membranes.

Allow Absorption: Allow the oil to be absorbed into the skin. You can cover the area with a light cloth if desired.

Frequency of Use: Follow the recommended usage frequency mentioned on the product packaging. Typically, you might use the oil 2-3 times a day or as needed.

Consult a Professional: If you have any underlying medical conditions, are pregnant or nursing, or are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before using any new product.







Q1. What is Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil, and what makes it unique?

Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil is a natural topical solution formulated with Ajwain (Carom Seeds), Bhimsen Camphor, and Pudina (Mint), known for their natural pain-relieving properties, making it unique and effective.

Q2. What are the key benefits of using this Pain Relief Oil?

This oil is designed to alleviate pain and discomfort in muscles and joints. The combination of ingredients provides natural relief from aches and pains.

Q3. How often should I use this Pain Relief Oil for the best results?

You can use this oil as needed for pain relief. Apply it to the affected area and massage gently for relief from sore muscles and joints.

Q4. Is this Pain Relief Oil suitable for all age groups?

Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil is suitable for individuals of all age groups, making it a versatile choice for those seeking a natural pain relief solution.

Q5. Does this Pain Relief Oil contain any harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances?

No, this Pain Relief Oil is formulated without harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances, ensuring a natural and soothing pain relief experience.

Q6. How do Ajwain, Bhimsen Camphor, and Pudina benefit pain relief?

Ajwain helps in reducing inflammation, Bhimsen Camphor offers a cooling sensation, and Pudina provides a soothing effect, making them effective for pain relief.

Q7. Can I use this oil alongside other pain relief products or medications?

You can use Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil alongside other pain relief products, but it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional if you're using medications to avoid any potential interactions.

Q8. Is this product cruelty-free and environmentally friendly?

Kasturveda is committed to cruelty-free practices and environmentally friendly packaging choices, aligning with our dedication to sustainability.

Q9. Can pregnant or nursing individuals use this Pain Relief Oil?

It's advisable for pregnant or nursing individuals to consult with a healthcare professional before using this or any other pain relief product.

Q10. Can I expect effective pain relief and a soothing experience with regular use of this oil?

Yes, with consistent use of Kasturveda Pain Relief Oil, you can expect effective pain relief and a soothing experience, thanks to the natural pain-relieving properties of Ajwain, Bhimsen Camphor, and Pudina.

Reviews (1 Reviews)

Amruta Pawar