About Kasturveda

About Kasturveda

स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणम,आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च ।

(CHARAK Samhita sutra:30/26)

Ayurveda Shastra always aims for well being of a person. As rightly said, A disease which is manifested in a person is either in mind, body or in both. Kasturveda believes in treating a disease as a whole and we strive hard for the customer's satisfaction and compliance to meet the global standards. KASTURVEDA which literally means integration of ayurveda in modern life style and we abid to it. In the hidden ocean of Ayurveda we have studied many herbs. Our primary aim is to optimally use the herb for the contentment in our customer's life. With this goal, KASTURVEDA was formed.

KASTURVEDA with the help of conventional methods as described in Ayurveda literature, makes medications and products. Today we have enormous brands in the market who sell the product in the name of Ayurveda by using Extract alone. But, we at KASTURVEDA use Extract base along with the Real Herbs to make our products with the help of traditional method.

Panchavidh Kashay Kalpana

पंचविध कषायकल्पनमिति तद्यता- स्वरस:,कल्क:,श्रृत:,शीत:,फाण्ट: कषाय इति ।

अथात: स्वरस: कल्क: क्वथा: च हिम फाण्टकी । ज्ञेया: कषायाः पंच एते लघवः स्युः यथोत्तरम्॥ (शा.सं.)

According to Ayurvedic drug formulation, a drug is formulated in 5 ways which is known as KASHAYA KALPANAS. Kasturveda formulates its product with the traditional Ayurvedic Kashay Kalpanas. All the products formulated by KASTURVEDA are based on 5 Kashay Kalapna, namely

Swarasa (Expressed Juice)
Hima(The Cold Water Infusion)
Kwaatha(The Decoction)
Faanta(The Hot Water Infusion)
(A Fine Paste Obtained By Grinding Fresh Or Wet Griding Dried Medicinal Plants)

Story of Kasturveda

It’s the story of a patient and her doctor

Lady came to our clinic with complaints of dark spots, vaivaryna, pimple, dullness of skin. She had undergone lot of treatments but didn’t got any positive result and had lost all her hopes.

After this incident our Founder gave her some Ayurvedic remedies in the form of cream, lotion, gels, etc and she returned after 30 days with a bright smile on her face to get pimple free, even tone & glowing skin!!!! She also told to Vaidya Pradyumna S.H. that these products are so magnificent that she will definitely suggest to use these products and everyone showered their love because of splendid results they got after using those products.

After having so much demand by patients, Our founder took decision to starts Kasturveda
Story of Kasturveda

Founders Message

Founders message
Vaidya Pradyumn S.H.

Kasturveda came into existence in the year 2018 in Maharashtra with the remarkable vision to provide authentic traditional Ayurvedic formulations in the Modern form.We discovered that there are many products in the market that call themselves Ayurvedic products by using "Extract’s only" but

According to Ayurvedic drug formulations, Ayurvedic products are only those which are formulated by “Panchvidh Kashay Kalpna” but in market only Extract based products are produced and people are mislead which is very sad to see.

Thinking on this, Our Founder & Chairman Vaidya Pradyumn S.H. Started a mission of “Providing actual Ayurvedic preparation in form of modern beauty products” to all of us. After many years of efforts, Ayurveda & Modern science were properly integrated and then we started this mission in the name of KASTURVEDA.

And now we are focusing on our unique formulations with long lasting effects and added benefits. Kasturveda is now ready to serve you the actual Ayurvedic formulations consisting of not only the extracts of plant which we extract by traditional Panchvidh kashay kalpna, but also by using the whole plant so that we are not just extract based product company. We proudly say that we follow the authentic Ayurvedic concepts to formulate our products!!!

Our Inspiration

Our Inspiration

Smt.Radhika S.H

This is mother of Vaidya's Pradyumna S.H.

The name of the company is derived from Founders mother's nickname i.e,

Kasturi + Ayurveda = Kasturveda.

Even though she is uneducated, she gave her children higher education through her own efforts.

For her all Love, Efforts & Hard work we dedicate all the products of Kasturveda to her.